Monday, February 8, 2010

On the Wings of Love...and On The Verge of Serious Cheese

Jake, Jake, Jake...I don't know what to make of this guy. He seems like a great guy. He's handsome, sweet, a gentleman, seems to genuinely care about the woman he loves and wants to spend the rest of his life with...the problem is HE'S IN LOVE WITH FOUR WOMEN. This does not jive with me. This was the week that Jake got to meet the parents of the four women he's currently dating. He was busy...he asked three of the four women's parents if he could marry them, and told all of the parents that he's in love with their daughter. Well, except for Vienna, who no one likes anyway...he's just "fallen hard for her." I think that's a nice of way of saying she would have gotten the boot tonight.

Alas, that would not happen because that would have made so many women way too happy. What in the hell does he see in her? Let's be honest...she's a snot, she's not likeable, she's spoiled, and she has hair extensions. Really bad hair extensions. She should have been booted last week after that stunt of slinking into his bedroom like a cheap hooker w/her wine and bad velour sweatsuit. Sorry...she might be a nice girl, but she's not portraying herself that way on tv. Whatever...moving on.

And so the drama continues...Ali! Okay seriously...did your job not know how long this show was going to go on??? Hi Ed from the Bachelorette last year! Ali please come have to come back! You were perfect for him...granted I understand why you went with the job considering he is dating three other women and telling each one how he's falling in love with them and how much he loves their families too, so I get that it's not a sure thing with him and you love your job...but I'm pretty sure you were a front runner here. Really, Gia's way too insecure for him; Tinley or Tinsley or whatever her name is...she's cute and seems really sweet, but that voice. Omg...if I had to live with that the rest of my life...eeesh. Then the dance...ok, that's when the show lost me. Really...dancing for your boyfriend? And I don't mean pole dancing that he would probably have totally been into. Just too sticky sweet for me. And if I hear one more person tell Jake how hurt Gia and Tinsel have been...just stop, ok. They're not the first women on the planet to have had their hearts broken. Give me a break. If you date, or fall in love, you will get hurt. Grow up folks. Really.

Jake, this was so simple. Ali tells you she has to leave for her job ~ you should have then said "but you can't because you're the only one for me (or some cheesy scripted embarrassing line ABC would have come up with while she was crying on his lap)... you're down to earth, sweet, genuine, and you don't have fake hair." Then he should have jumped in the limo and driven off into the sunset with over...leaving the other three with Chris Harrison to figure out what the hell just happened. Now THAT would have been a dramatic ending. Okay but since that didn't happen we will wait until next Monday's "dramatic" episode of the Bachelor.

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