Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Two Olympians and A Bachelor Walk Into a Bar...

This is a hodgepodge post because there's a lot going on starting with the Olympics. Oh how I love you! There are so many amazing stories that come out the Olympics. There's excitement, drama, tragedy, hope, not to mention gorgeous athletes from all over the world - it's fast, dangerous, and crazy. I mean who knew a German curler could be so hot? Skiing, hockey, snowboarding, figure skating - what's not to love? I'll tell you what ~ those figure skating outfits. What the hell? Someone in the figure skating world needs to get off the heroin. The glitz, the glam, the sequins, the plunging necklines...and that's just the guys. What on earth is going on? I know Johnny Weir goes his own way...that's his deal. There's always one standout who's off the beaten path in just about every sport. Dennis Rodman was a tatted-out, cross dressing goofball...Andre Agassi had his mega hair (which sadly we now know were extensions). I get that. But I can't figure out the rest of the guys in this sport. These guys come out more glammed up than the women, eeesh. And Evan Lysacek, you need to lighten up and quit being being such a douche. What a pompous ass - snobbiness does not become you.

On to bigger and better things....HOCKEY! There's only so much biathalon one person can handle. What's the deal with that anyway? I don't know a whole lot of people who are getting around by way of cross country skiing with a rifle strapped to their backs stopping every so often to fire off a couple of rounds. Yeah, that one goes over my head. So hockey - I was so glad that not only did Team USA beat Switzerland, but David Backes got scored. Yay! He really should be captain of the Blues, but that's another post. Another congrats goes to one of my favorite athletes, Bode Miller (hubba hubba), who won the bronze medal last night. So glad to see your back and kicking ass again. You're so much cooler that way than being a super party guy pissing everyone off. By the way, I'm single...call me.

So for those who watched the Olympics and missed The Bachelor last night, let me sum it up for you: Jake again made a baffling decision not so much by getting rid of Gia (even though I really didn't think she was so great for him anyway), but telling Ali she couldn't come back? I'm sorry, what? His reasoning was because out of those three women he really couldn't pick one to go so he could bring Ali back. Hmm...so its down to white trash Vienna and Tenley, the dancing fool. Both annoying, neither very cute, and very average personalities overall. Seriously, this guy started off with 25 women and these are the two he ends up with? It's no mystery why this guy is single. He has terrible taste in women, zero common sense, and apparently his eyeballs are broken if he's still sticking with Vienna because he "just doesn't see what the other girls see in her." Ray Charles could see that Jake. Okie dokie. Well, here's what I do see: Ali is a doll. She is super cute, so sweet and honest, and has an amazing personality. See the video clip of Ellen DeGeneres's interview with Ali. http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474978050680&grpId=3659174697243100&nav=Groupspace. And this boob didn't bring her back. I want to like Jake, but...I can't. If he were truly looking for a wife, these ladies would not be the last two standing. Please. Thank God there's no chance of "The Bachelor II: Jake Returns" after this train wreck implodes. I'm pretty sure he'll be flying solo again.

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